Shipping & Delivery

What is the shipping time?

Shipping times vary by location. Order processing takes 1-2 days, and shipping takes 4-9 business days. Pre-order products will have estimated timelines provided.

How are shipping costs calculated?

Shipping rates depend on your region and are calculated at checkout.

Is there free shipping?

Yes, we offer free standard shipping on orders over $60. Check your cart for applicable rates.

Do you ship internationally?

We ship worldwide! Please note that free shipping may not apply to all countries, and customs duties are the customer's responsibility. For orders shipped to the US and UK, we cover all applicable duties.

What are the express shipping options?

We offer express shipping (2-3 days) via major carriers like DHL and FedEx. Select "Express Shipping" at checkout.

How can I track my order?

You will receive a tracking code via email once your order has shipped. Use this code on the carrier's website for tracking.

How do pre-orders work?

For Pre-Orders: Pre-order items typically have an estimated shipping timeline provided at the time of purchase. The processing time for pre-orders may vary, but we aim to ship them as soon as they become available.

For Mixed Orders: If your order includes both in-stock and pre-order items, we will ship the in-stock items immediately. The pre-order items will be shipped separately once they become available.

What should I do if my package is lost or damaged?

Contact our customer support team at hello@furrymuse.com and we will assist you in resolving the issue.

Returns & Refunds

Do you offer refunds?

Yes, we provide a full refund for unopened, unused products. Partial refunds are available if packaging is missing. Shipping costs for returns are the customer's responsibility.

How do I initiate a return?

Ensure the product is in its original packaging and email your order number to hello@furrymuse.com to start the refund process.

How long do I have to request a refund?

You can request a refund within two weeks of delivery.

What happens to my shipping costs for returns?

All shipping costs related to returns are the responsibility of the customer.

Payments & Safety

Is my payment data safe?

Yes, all payment gateways adhere to PCI-DSS standards, ensuring your payment data is secure.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept major credit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.

How can I learn more about payment processing?

For more information, check Shopify’s Terms of Service and Privacy Statement.

Warranty & Repair

Do you offer a warranty for your products?

Yes, we guarantee protection against manufacturer defects. Please notify us immediately after noticing any defects.

Contact Us

How can I contact customer support?

For further questions, please email us at hello@furrymuse.com.